What I’ve Done

Over the last 13 years I've built and launched popular brands, managed organic marketing and user acquisition strategies for startups and acted as in-house brand strategy lead for founders and growth stage companies. My passion is identifying the most powerful stories behind brands and their founders, and translating them into communications strategies that both build brand equity and generate sales.

What I Do

I work with entrepreneurs and consumer companies on identifying their brand voice, PR messaging and bringing products/ campaigns to market.

  • 360 Marketing Strategy

    • Most brands who do not have a marketing team, or a founder with a marketing background do not have a cohesive group of tools “talking to each other” in order to make the most out of their audience. For example, this could look like their email marketing not being connected to their social strategy which is not connected to their sales teams which is not connected to product dev and technical roadmap etc. Nina works across teams and departments to either support hiring for roles that are not currently at the organization or helping to connect the dots and automate as much as possible.

  • Marketing Tech Stack Consulting

    • Depending on the company, Nina helps marketing teams determine where to cut the fat and lean down their tech stack to get the most out of their time and efforts.

  • Brand Voice Strategy

    • If a Brand doesn’t have a point of view, it isn’t a Brand.

  • Earned, Owned & Paid Media consulting

    • B2B2C and B2C businesses are her strength. Talking to two sides of a marketplace can be challenging and acquiring customers simultaneously requires a lot of trial and error. Nina helps shape strategy for brands to hit all three of these major media pillars to achieve their PR goals

Anything else you’d want to ask me? Like the time I made up a national holiday to get customers or went viral for a brands Ugly Xmas Sweater? Just Shoot me a note!
